Saturday, November 04, 2006

Danielah's Visit

Here are the pictures from when my best friend Danielah came down from New York last month. Enjoy the ridiculousness.

Wandering around downtown in the ridiculously cold rain.

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Oh, did I mention Danielah broke her thumb and therefore had this ridiculous arm-length cast put on the day before?

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Waiting for a table at Open City later that night.

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Ridiculous, ridiculous dessert....

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Then on to Adams Morgan...

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Lunch the next day at Alero. Christina's actually not drunk. And Aaron actually doesn't hate her.

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See? Ridiculous.

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It's October, therefore Halloween.

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Later, at the History of Medicine Museum at Walter Reed. This poster is ridiculous.

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As is this expensive and useless surgical machine.

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S'mores later that night at Cosi.

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Christina hates this picture. I can't figure out why.

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If you think any of these pictures are stupid, it's because Aaron took them.

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I think this was taken at this angle.

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One of these two decided a chugging contest was a good idea.

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And then they decided to see if Danielah could feel anything through her cast.

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One normal picture for the day seems about right.

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Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Here are some pictures from a fun weekend. (Some were stolen from Amanda, some I took.)

Hanging out with the other first-years Friday night at The Big Hunt in Dupont Circle.
Right to left: Adam, Zak, Katie, me, Amanda, Kaitlyn, Anne, Halley
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Katie and Amanda
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"Candid" picture
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After, getting food
Right to left: Halley, Anne, Amanda, me, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn's boyfriend Cory, Katie
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Saturday - Katie, Kaitlyn, and Amanda entered the second annual literary dessert contest with Ms. Havisham's Wedding Cake (from Great Expectations)
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And they won! Here's Amanda being crowned with the flashing tiara later that night at Denise's house
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The queens
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At the party
Right to left: Katie, Sam, Kaitlyn, and Abe (Amanda's husband)
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That's Denise in the middle, my advisor and the chair of the program. To the left is her daughter Lisa and her dog Harper Lee, and to the right is another professor in the program.
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Amanda and me Saturday night at The Pharmacy bar in Adams Morgan
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Right to left: Shalagh (a second-year I met that night), Katie, Josh, Amanda, Halley
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Amanda, Katie, Halley, and me
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